How EMDR Helps Depression

How EMDR Helps Depression

EMDR research started with its use for PTSD treatment. There has been evidence showing positive outcomes with other psychological issues. Depression stems from negative or overwhelming life experiences. Some of these experiences can also be traumatic. So the tie-in here can be significant. Being able to identify the cause of the depression and reprocess how a person deals with those experiences can be helpful in overcoming the negative aspects.

Having Suicidal Thoughts? Here’s What You Can Expect from Therapy

Having Suicidal Thoughts? Here’s What You Can Expect from Therapy

There’s a lot of taboo when it comes to suicide, and people often fear that talking about it will “put the idea in someone’s head” or somehow make the thoughts worse. You may have encountered people like this in your family or community. However, research has shown that these fears are not helpful and ignoring the issue may actually cause harm in some cases.

What is Unknown Anxiety? 5 Ways to Embrace the Gifts

What is Unknown Anxiety? 5 Ways to Embrace the Gifts

Unknown anxiety present one of the main threats to our nervous system regulation, so learning to companion and soothe ourselves in the face of unknowns can be hugely supportive to our well- being. Unknown anxiety show up in all kinds of ways. One type is the relational unknown, such as feeling uncertain about how our partner feels, how to communicate with our friend, or how others might feel about us. Another is the unknown about the future of our own lives

4 Ways to Cope with Nighttime Anxiety

4 Ways to Cope with Nighttime Anxiety

Nighttime anxiety can be super frustrating because it’s the exact opposite of sleep. It can rob you of much needed rest and relaxation. And unfortunately, the anxiety can be self-perpetuating once you associate attempting to sleep with anxiety. The good news is, there are a few steps you can take to lessen the intensity of nighttime anxiety and build bedtime routines that work for you.

6 Ways to Begin Recovery From Emotional Trauma

6 Ways to Begin Recovery From Emotional Trauma

Emotional trauma can impact anyone and occur at any time. Whether it is something you have recently experienced or something that has been packed away, it is quite possible to feel sad, anxious, overwhelmed, or unhappy. While there is no clear-cut time frame for healing, knowing that you can move forward and regain your power is important. Here are six ways that you can begin your recovery process.

8 Ways to Embrace Being a Highly Sensitive Person

8 Ways to Embrace Being a Highly Sensitive Person

As a highly sensitive person (HSP) chances are you are tired of having to explain yourself to others and advocate for the needs you have that others do not understand. You may be thinking that something is wrong with you and wish that you weren’t so sensitive. It’s easy to imagine that being more “like everyone else” would be a lot better. Please don’t waste any more of your time and energy wishing for the impossible. HSP is a trait people are born with, not a disorder; a gift, not a curse. Below are some things you can do to better manage and enjoy your life as a highly sensitive person.

Why are Autism Diagnoses on the Rise?

Why are Autism Diagnoses on the Rise?

Girls, queer and trans kids were often passed over because they didn’t exhibit these stereotypical behaviors, while BIPOC students who weren’t passed over were likely treated with disciplinary measures rather than exploring the why behind their behaviors. Systemic racism, sexism, trans- and homophobia all show up in the public school system. Autistic people in these groups likely learned to mask from a young age to avoid being further targeted for bullying, discrimination, and harassment.

5 Ways IFS Therapy Treats Trauma

5 Ways IFS Therapy Treats Trauma

Do you believe that we are all made of different parts? After all, not everyone is all bad or all good. Human beings have a combination of helpful and harmful amounts of themselves. Unfortunately, trauma has a way of bringing out the worst in us. INTERNAL FAMILY SYSTEMS (IFS) is a type of therapy that helps you discover who you are and bring all of these parts together. The three main parts include: Exiles, Managers and Firefighters.

4 Ways Trauma Bonding Negatively Impacts Your Relationships

4 Ways Trauma Bonding Negatively Impacts Your Relationships

Unfortunately, when two people have a traumatic history in a relationship, it can create something called “trauma bonding.” It can even happen in your relationships with family members or friends. It’s easy for abusers to shift the perspective of their victims, often using gaslighting techniques. They can get you to change the way you view what happened, or what continues to happen. Instead of recognizing that you’re the victim, they can end up making you feel like you’re the one to blame.

So You Want to Find a Therapist: Tips For Selecting The Right Fit

So You Want to Find a Therapist: Tips For Selecting The Right Fit

Finding and choosing a therapist can be an exciting proposition. Therapy is also a great place to learn about our boundaries, our needs, and requests. Remember, your therapist is working for and with you, not you for them. If you have particular goals, needs, desires, or anything important to you you’d like for a therapist to know, the consultation is a great place to share.

Letting Go of the Past: Finding Healing from Relationship Trauma

Letting Go of the Past: Finding Healing from Relationship Trauma

The emotional scars that you are carrying from relationship trauma can be hard to heal from. If you have been betrayed once, you are also expecting future betrayals. You may run away from relationships with people who care about you for fear of getting hurt again. But it is important to know that you can heal no matter how long it takes. That not everyone in the world is bad for you.

5 Tips to Help Your Partner Navigate Depression

5 Tips to Help Your Partner Navigate Depression

It can be hard to watch someone you love battle depression. Ignoring the depression signs your partner presents will not make them go away. This is especially true if your partner engages in self-harm or suicide attempts. Even though you cannot cure your partner’s depression, there is always something you can do to help.

6 Ways to Focus When You’re Having a Rough ADHD Day

6 Ways to Focus When You’re Having a Rough ADHD Day

There are a lot of stress factors that have to do with why you have bad ADHD days. Maybe you have trouble managing your stress levels or are experiencing several symptoms at once. While bad ADHD days can be draining, you can control what to do about them. Do not allow yourself to suffer when there are several ways to cope.

What is Enmeshment? 5 Telltale Signs

What is Enmeshment? 5 Telltale Signs

If you feel like people in your life are excessively involved in your life, this is enmeshment. Whether this is your romantic partner or a family member, enmeshment is when people are involved in your activities and personal things to an excessive degree. If you do not know if your partner is being excessive, it helps to know what the behavior patterns entail.

Here are the five telltale signs of enmeshment.

Anxiety’s Effects on Relationships

Anxiety’s Effects on Relationships

Relationship anxiety is when you experience more times of excessive worrying about the relationship than actually enjoying it. You could be really scared that the relationship will end as soon as it starts. Out of fear, you may even go so far as to end the relationship. To avoid doing something you will regret, here is how anxiety can affect your relationship.