Trauma Therapy

Are Loneliness & Trauma Linked?

Are Loneliness & Trauma Linked?

In the aftermath of certain traumas, you may feel a decreased sense of safety. Having been a victim of violence or abuse can rob you of your feelings of security. Not feeling safe and secure can lead to disruption of social activity and acting within social norms, even with those you have previously been acquainted with. These types of trauma can trigger feelings of loneliness.

Why do Trauma Survivors have Intimacy and Attachment Issues?

Why do Trauma Survivors have Intimacy and Attachment Issues?

This dichotomy shows up in our adult relationships in several ways. Often we can feel the strong desire and need for relating while still carrying the need for keeping oneself safe. It can be extremely confusing to ourselves and others. We want to draw close but push others away or create space and safety sometimes without even knowing it. Serving Boulder, Longmont, Denver.

How to Cope With Earthquake Vicarious Trauma

How to Cope With Earthquake Vicarious Trauma

If you’ve been watching the scenes coming out of Turkey and Syria you’ve probably been affected. Maybe you are even experiencing vicarious trauma. Vicarious trauma happens when you feel emotional pain, terror, fear and helplessness from exposure to others peoples’ trauma. For instance, imagining what it’s like to be stuck under rubble from the earthquake, losing your entire family or becoming homeless.

Medical Trauma: Why Women Are Particularly Vulnerable

Medical Trauma: Why Women Are Particularly Vulnerable

When it comes to trauma, no single person is immune. However, women are twice as likely to experience some type of traumatic event than men. With medical trauma, that scale can be tipped even a little further. Medical trauma is considered a physiological or psychological response to some negative, likely traumatic, experience within a medical setting.

Political Trauma: Signs, Symptoms, & Treatment

Political Trauma: Signs, Symptoms, & Treatment

Political trauma is a real thing and can be quite disruptive. Any time, but especially surrounding an election year, it can be difficult to navigate while maintaining a calm level of mental health. Here are some points for self-evaluation.