What’s a trauma bond? This sort of connection is actually a relationship shaped by unreliable, inconsistent reinforcement patterns. Promises are broken. Calm periods don't last. ”Out-of-nowhere” intensity and negativity always follow. Everything seems complicated and erratic. Anxiety is an integral part of your interactions (or lack thereof).
Somatic Therapy Treatment for Healing Shame
Heartbreak Depression- 4 Ways to Transform your Pain
Bipolar Shame and Recovery: 5 Ways to Reconcile Past Regrets
Trauma Treatment for Nightmares: How to Wake Up to What is Real
EMDR Therapy for College Students: Will I Be Hypnotized? Is it Safe?
Anxiety Therapy for College Students: When is the Right Time for Professional Help?
Somatic Counseling Benefits: Why Can’t I Think My Way Out of Trauma?
EMDR Trauma Work: Transforming Fear into Fearlessness
Anxiety Mindfulness Skills: 3 Ways to Find Your Observing Self
Trauma Body Recovery: How to Build Healthy Self-Protection
PTSD Self Help: 5 Tips to Staying in the Here and Now
C-PTSD Therapy: Grounding in the Midst of Madness
How do we cope when trauma shapes a significant portion of our life experience? If you were traumatized by a caregiver, an abusive partner, or even the ongoing uncertainty of a global pandemic, you may be suffering from complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD).
EMDR Anxiety Therapy: Can All Ages Benefit?
Trauma Resilience: 4 Ways to Find Your New Normal
EMDR Treatment: What Makes It So Successful?
Bipolar Disorder Help: 6 Ways to Come Back to Yourself
Online Therapy Benefits: Overcoming Obstacles from Home
Online therapy has clear benefits. It's a powerful, proven choice. You may have never once imagined undergoing a therapy session while seated on your own couch, but that world has opened up to you. Try to embrace the idea. Give yourself the option of feeling better, stronger, and more prepared for the road ahead without leaving your own home.
Anxiety Psychotherapy: 5 Ways to Understand the Roots of Your Pain & Find Calm
Persistent tension and pain feel as though they are always in your path. Until you finally dig deep emotionally and find ways to understand the roots of your pain. From there, you can use your insight and self-knowledge to find the calm that will inspire a new future and better relationships with yourself and others. Anxiety Psychotherapy can help.
Post Traumatic Growth Counseling: What does a Healthy Brain Feels Like?
When you have been through trauma, it has a real impact on your brain. Sometimes you feel it intensely and often. Overtimes, you may try to go about your life and sense something more subtle is hindering you. But the encouraging thing? Science tells us that your brain needn’t stay stuck in a traumatized state. Research make it clear that your brain, even after the worst experiences can rebound.