Eating Disorder Treatment

Are Perfectionists More at Risk for Orthorexia?

Are Perfectionists More at Risk for Orthorexia?

Orthorexia is a condition in which someone obsesses over eating healthy foods. They tend to avoid any foods they consider to be harmful, including “junk food” or anything that could possibly be called unhealthy. Except, perfectionism isn’t about expecting the best. It’s about, quite literally, expecting perfection.

Is There a Connection Between Neurodivergence and Eating Disorders?

Is There a Connection Between Neurodivergence and Eating Disorders?

Neurodivergent people can struggle with eating disorders just like their neurotypical counterparts. But does that mean you’re more likely to develop one? Or do you just have a different relationship with food and eating? Are your irregular eating patterns different from eating disorders or are they the same thing and you just didn’t know?

Why Are Eating Disorders Competitive

Why Are Eating Disorders Competitive

Eating disorders can be very competitive. Hearing that another person has lost weight can fuel your desire to lose more than them. You may figure that as long as you are the weight you want, you are winning the game. It is possible you may have the personality of an overachiever or a perfectionist. If so, you never want to put in little effort.

Eating Disorders Treatment for Children

Eating Disorders Treatment for Children

Eating disorder treatment for children is most effective when delivered early as possible. Prompt care is for best recovery and a return to growth and maturation.

Traditionally, eating disorder interventions were modified versions of teenage models. However, pediatric treatment for eating disorders should not imitate adolescent programming.

3 Tips Towards Body Neutrality vs Body Positivity

3 Tips Towards Body Neutrality vs Body Positivity

Body Neutrality vs body positive is subtle. Most people will never love how they look in the mirror. And that's OK. Learn to accept your "flaws." Embrace gratitude for the incredible way your body functions. This may sound scary because there is so much judgment and fuss in our society over how we look. But if judgment is what's holding you back, you will never live a life of freedom

Diet Recovery: 4 Ways to Know You're On The Path

Diet Recovery: 4 Ways to Know You're On The Path

Diet recovery is not easy, but it is possible. It takes serious guts, for it can seem much safer to stay with what is familiar, rather than stepping into the unknown. Perhaps trusting your body to make the right choices feels impossible! How will you know? What if you can't stop eating dreaded foods, etc.?

Choosing an Eating Disorder Psychotherapist: 5 Tips to Getting the Help You Need to Heal

Choosing an Eating Disorder Psychotherapist: 5 Tips to Getting the Help You Need to Heal

An eating disorder psychotherapist requires understanding and effective treatment. While psychotherapy can be challenging, it is a worthwhile part of your healing. Thus, an eating disorder psychotherapist helps aid therapy sessions and various types of help that improve your self-awareness and coping skills.

4 Things I Have Learned About Intuitive Eating

4 Things I Have Learned About Intuitive Eating

Intuitive eating finally clicked one day for me. You might be interested in letting go and having your body figure out its natural weight. It is possible that you are okay the way you are and can start living life now? Doesn’t this sound so freeing, yet so frightening at the same time? Of course, this is extremely common in our society.

The Harmful Effects of Body Shaming & Why It Needs to Stop!

The Harmful Effects of Body Shaming & Why It Needs to Stop!

The harmful effects of body shaming hits hard and wounds deeply. Also, body shaming communicate that those who allow themselves to exist outside the ”right” body norms should be punished. They are seen as being “lazy,” “unmotivated,” or “undisciplined.” Body shaming keeps alive stigmas and social division. Drawing a line between the worthy and the unworthy.

Identifying The 5 Most Common Signs of Emotional Eating

Identifying The 5 Most Common Signs of Emotional Eating

Many people have engaged in emotional eating at some point or another. It is built into our framework as humans that food equals comfort. For a short period of time, emotional eating can cause a sense of release. Many are not sure what the signs of emotional eating are. But, you may wonder if your habits are healthy, or if you are acting on compulsions that might be doing you harm.

Binge Eating Disorder Facts: Get the Trut

Binge Eating Disorder Facts: Get the Trut

But facing binge eating disorder facts has been hard. You may think that you are doomed to repeat your secret eating habit forever. You may be scared, believing that you’ll have to go on swallowing embarrassment and shame with the food. Serving Boulder, Longmont, Denver..

The Benefits of Psychotherapy: Why Make the Investment?

The Benefits of Psychotherapy: Why Make the Investment?

The benefits of psychotherapy are countless. They are valuable currency in your drained mental and emotional accounts. They are waiting for you. Invest your time, energy, and money into building self-awareness, resilience, and confidence.