Diet recovery is not easy, but it is possible. It takes serious guts, for it can seem much safer to stay with what is familiar, rather than stepping into the unknown. Perhaps trusting your body to make the right choices feels impossible! How will you know? What if you can't stop eating dreaded foods, etc.?
Choosing an Eating Disorder Psychotherapist: 5 Tips to Getting the Help You Need to Heal
An eating disorder psychotherapist requires understanding and effective treatment. While psychotherapy can be challenging, it is a worthwhile part of your healing. Thus, an eating disorder psychotherapist helps aid therapy sessions and various types of help that improve your self-awareness and coping skills.
4 Things I Have Learned About Intuitive Eating
Intuitive eating finally clicked one day for me. You might be interested in letting go and having your body figure out its natural weight. It is possible that you are okay the way you are and can start living life now? Doesn’t this sound so freeing, yet so frightening at the same time? Of course, this is extremely common in our society.
Does My Child Need Therapy? 5 Ways to Know
How unsettled, sad, or angry does your child have to seem before therapy is warranted? Should you just go ahead and make an appointment? You don’t want your child to suffer. How can you know? Take a close look at your child’s behavior, listen to what he or she says about him/herself and others, notice his/her responses and what goes unsaid.